Come hear five writers read thrilling stories from real life at Manchester’s first live creative nonfiction night. Our headliner is Guardian writer and novelist Laura Barton. Also on the bill are writers Benjamin Judge and Adam Farrar alongside Real Story co-hosts Kate Feld and Nija Dalal.
Tuesday 20 January 2015, 7:30pm, Gullivers, Oldham Street, Manchester. Free.
Laura Barton is a writer and broadcaster. She was a staff feature writer and music columnist for the Guardian for 10 years. Today she writes for the Guardian and the Observer, Intelligent Life, Q magazine and the New York Times among others, and much of her writing is concerned with music. Her first novel, Twenty-One Locks, was published in 2010 and was awarded a Betty Trask prize. She is a regular contributor to Radio 4, writing and presenting documentaries and short stories. She is currently working on a second novel, wildly different from the first, and a non-fiction book about music and sadness.